Monday 4 July 2011

My Work Experience at Drake Music Scotland - Chris Jacquin

This blog is about my work experience at Drake Music Scotland. This is my third time doing work experience and it has been a great experience. This year has been more active than the rest because I have been using new skills. This has been good because even though I have no set plan for my future, Drake has given me skills for everyday life.

On the first day at Drake I spent a day with Pete [Sparkes, Artistic Director] setting up the studio for some children from Braidburn School who were coming in the next day. Pete and I set up the Skoog with drum sounds. In the afternoon I created a bass line using four notes and creating different riffs.

On Tuesday, Pete and I continued to set up for the Braidburn session. We added some more equipment such as Soundbeam and switches. The session started at 3pm and lasted an hour. There were six children taking part and I recorded each one individually and as a group.

The next day I spent the morning with Caitlin [Mulgrew, Associate Musician] preparing a second episode of the video that we made previously.

I met Oliver Searle the next day. Oliver is a composer who is working with the Technophonia Project. I had to play my exam pieces live to him and I was nervous but it went well. Oliver wanted to hear my compositions and I showed him two of them. Then I met a man called Phil Lee [Trainee Studio Engineer], who is developing a new piece of performing software.

In the afternoon Cath [Sewell, Education and Training Manager] and I went to the Reverb Scotland meeting. Reverb Scotland is about musicians with any disability entering the professional music industry. It was a good experience because the meeting revived my inspiration to do a career in music.

Friday morning was quiet and I spent the morning creating this report. After I finished the report, Hamish [Bamford, Studio Engineer] played some of Audibility’s new tracks which are very good! In the afternoon David [McNiven, Associate Musician] and I did a session with a girl who is autistic and played the bass line on a djembe drum. At 2.45pm David and I started to write the score for “Californication” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers which I will be performing for my Higher Music Exam.

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